Monday, October 8, 2007

Being Bengalorian

October 8, 2007

Now, now: I am neither fully Bengalorian nor half; although when it comes to Wit, I am decidedly the latter...

But I don't want to be outdone by you guys and gals. As they say in Hindi, "Hum Bhi Kuch Kum Nahi." And so: The large 14-pound, 10-month old kitten that Dip and I have in our home is a Bengal Cat.

I may not be Bengalorian, but my pussy is.

And lest anyone chide me for being frivolous, flippant and flamboyant (Oh, fff...!), I must hasten to point out that Article 3, section 2.3(c) of the KhushDC Bye-Bye laws specifically permits KhushDC Board members to have fun every once in a while. The article states, "Ye Bored Member shall have fun and spew utter nonsense on the khushdc-govern listserv, but no more than once in an hour". There. I now have my donkey covered.

(We use words or titles twice when we respect or revere some person, place, animal or thing. Thus, there's a revered religious conman in India named Sri Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Similarly, out of deep respect for the KhushDC Bye-Laws, I refer to them as Bye-Bye Laws. And when any dear friend is leaving after meeting me, I wave my hand and say By-By to him/her).

Hmmn, all that took more effort to write than I thought it would. As the Kannada saying goes, "Kai kesuradaray bai mosaru". And I'm always proud of what I write, even if it's all utter B.S. As the Kannada saying goes, "Hettawaligay hegaNa muddu".

Being Bengaloorian Rocks!


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