Friday, October 5, 2007

Mundane Bored Matters

October 5, 2007

Hi gov'nors,

A bird whispered in my ear that:
someone complained that:

Mundane Board matters were 'needlessly' being discussed on this listserv, causing their mailboxes to fill-up.

Two points:

1. If your mailbox is being flooded by emails from this listserv or any other listserv, please set your setting on the group page to "No-Email". That way you can read the posts on the web at when you please, rather than having messages thrust upon your mailbox.

If you're unsure of how to set to "No-Email", please let me or any of the Boardies know, and we will do that for you.

2. This listserv is primarily for the Board to communicate about all kinds of matters - from the urgent and the earth-shaking to the melodramatic and mellifluous right down to the morbidly mundane (Mmmm...).

As many of you may be aware, we tried using the pre-existing khushdc-board listserv for this purpose, but none of us have access to it since its password fell into a black hole some time ago. That's why we (where we = I) created this govern listserv.

The Board could discuss board matters by exchanging emails among themselves, but I dislike that because

a) I can't stand my mailbox being filled with a flood of needless emails about mundane Board matters and

b) Postings to this listserv are automatically archived, so that if we have questions about who said what to whom and when, it's much easier to go through this archival record that through our mailboxes.


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